Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gwenie's Hearts 4 Hearts Girl Doll

Gwenie with her Hearts 4 Hearts Girl Consuelo who is now renamed Veronica after a friend of my daughters' who comes to our house after school.
Recently, we made a trip to Toys R Us to use our Rewards Card coupons earned from Christmas.  We had originally planned to buy Gwenie a Journey Girls Callie doll but they did not have her at the store.  We showed Gwenie a couple other options of dolls, but she really didn't seem to like any other them. 

Then I spotted the one and only Hearts 4 Hearts Doll in the store and picked her up to show Gwenie.  She immediately started saying "My doll, my doll!" so I knew we had a winner.  The doll was Consuelo from Mexico City.  The best part was that by using our Rewards Coupons, we got her for FREE!

This is the front of the box featuring Consuelo.  She is quite pretty!
Front flap of the box open with the doll still inside.
Back of box.  They are all so cute!

The inside flap of the box with information about Consuelo. 

My Thoughts:
This doll is very pretty, and I love the message about helping others!  She has a cute book with lots of information in that my nine year old spent at least 45 minutes reading and telling me about.  Her hair is very soft and remarkably easy to manage considering the length.  I love that she can be posed and Gwenie (my two year old) can easily move her arms, legs, head, etc. however she wants.  Cute clothes, shoes, and accessories.  My ONLY issue is with her earrings because they will not stay in her ears.  I am thinking about using hot glue to permanently attach them to the earring holes.  We have managed to loose her earring so many times since we got her last Saturday.
I am going to be reusing the inside of the box to make a bed for her and the box itself to create a wardrobe.  However, I will be not be covering a lot of the box itself because of all the information and pictures.  Stay tuned for a post about those projects!

Update of Winners of the Giveaway!

Allyson H. did get in contact with me, and she choose to receive the Stove!  I am so glad she contacted me, I will be making her stove this weekend and then sending it out to her!  She promised to send in pics....can't wait to see them!

On another note, the other winner has not contacted me so I re-did the drawing for my blog followers only.  The NEW WINNER is Misstaylorpinky!  Check you email!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Giveaway Winners!

I am happy to announce the winners of my first blog giveaway:  Ashlyn and Allyson H.!  Please check your email or blog messages for a message from me regarding instructions for picking your prize!  Thank you to everyone who is reading my blog, following my blog, or following my blog's Facebook page. 

Below are pictures of some of the doll furniture and items that I have shown on my blog.  The winners get to pick one of my handmade doll items as their prize, but the bonus is that it can be made with their choice of color and design!
Table and chair set.
Doll storage cubbies.
Storage Ottoman.
Refrigerator or stove.
Flat bed.
Close up of the stove.
Kitchen sink.
Doll Zumba set.
Doll wardrobe box.
Single living room or bedroom chair.

My Sister Molly's Doll Furniture Creations!

My sister Molly with her doll Molly and the trunk she made to hold Molly's clothes!
My sister Molly, who is nine like my oldest daughter, is an avid reader of my blog.  She has recently fallen in love with American Girl and other dolls.  She has been working on making her dolls furniture and other items using my blog as her inspiration!  She told my mom that I am her role model.  How amazing!

I love that I can connect with my sister through dolls.  My sister and I have a 20 year age difference.  The dolls, my blog, and her joy of crafting have definitely brought us closer.  I am so happy to share some of her creations with my readers!

A closer look at the inside of Molly's doll trunk.  She hasn't quite finished decorating it but I think she did a wonderful job!  She used a regular shipping box, duck tape, and a wire hanger for the clothing rack.
Molly's doll school wall.  She used pieces from the American Girl Doll School Book to make the school wall display.
Molly's school table.
Molly's couch that turns into a futon.  The sides can be unattached to lie flat.
I especially love these!  These are the drawers Molly made for the doll trunk.  They are made from book binding boxes that my mom brought home for Molly.  The drawers pull out so that she can keep all of her dolls' items inside.
 I love the items that my sister has created.  She also gave me a tour of her doll rooms that she has set-up in basically every corner of my mom's living and dining rooms.  I am so glad that she enjoys crafting.  I hope to share more of her doll items as she finishes them!

On a side note:  Molly has two American Girl dolls, Kirsten and Molly, a mini Julie doll, and Angelina, who is an 18" doll from a craft store.  She also has many, many porcelain dolls that she plays with and showed off to me at her house!


I have decided to combine my followers on this blog with the people who have liked the Facebook page that I made for my blog.  See it here at Miss Kristi's Blog Facebook.  The combined follower total is currently 16 people!  (I did not double count the people that have both followed my blog and liked my Facebook page.)
I have decided to do two drawings.  One for the people listed as followers on my blog and one for the people that have liked my blog's Facebook page.  This means that there will now be TWO WINNERS of the giveaway! 
I will be doing the drawing later today and will post the winners names on my blog, Facebook page, and email or message the winners as well!  The emails or messages to the winners will include instructions on letting me know which piece of my doll furniture you have selected to receive.  I will also be asking for your mailing address so that I can ship the item to you.  If the winner(s) is under 18 years old, I will need parental permission.
I am so excited to do my first giveaway!  I very thankful for every reader, follower, and like of my blog's Facebook page!  I love sharing my ideas and creations with everyone!
Kristi :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Furniture for Bitty Twins

My youngest daughter has two Bitty Twins-Paige and Henry.  We did not buy them as a set.  Paige was passed onto Gwenie this Christmas from her older sister and was originally a pre-used doll.  We bought Henry at American Girl Place NYC last year.  My daughter was happy to give Henry a sister to play with that was a "toddler too!" instead of just the Bitty Babies.
Henry, Paige, and Bitty #1 in the retired Bitty Baby crib.
Gwenie has a few pieces of the Bitty Baby furniture (mostly passed onto her by her sister) including the retired crib, retired high chair that separates into a chair and table, the changing table, and the retired version of the car seat ( a Thrifty Fabulous Find!)  However, she is starting to also play with 18" dolls.  I would really like to encourage her to play with the Bitty Twins more since they are more of a toddler version doll.  I think this would help her in a lot of play experiences with her little friends and give her a chance to practice ways to play appropriately (she has sensory and behavior issues.) 
Gwenie with Paige in a Thrift Fabulous Find! wicker chair.

I am contemplating either buying a table and chair play set for her Bitty Twins from American Girl in order to help promote this "practice play."  See link here:Bitty Twin Art & Music Play Table or making her my own version.  While, at $48.00, this set is not unreasonably priced, I feel compelled to make my own version.  Maybe I will make my version first and then, if we are able to take a trip to the AG Place in D.C., buy a table there.  Not sure....What do you think?
American Girl Bitty Twin table (from link above.)

We Repair AG+other dolls Hair!: Gorgeous Skating

Check out AGTLCrepair's blog! She was so kind to share one of my photos of the ice skating rink I made for my daughters' and their dolls!

We Repair AG+other dolls Hair!: Gorgeous Skating: One of our readers, Miss Kristi, was kind enough to share her winter photo with us. Isn't it beautiful? I certainly think so. I wonder if ...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Daughter Abbi's Doll Photography

My nine year old daughter, Abbi, received a camera for Christmas from her Gandpa and Gandma.  She is really just learning how to use the camera but was excited to start learning and taking pictures.  Some of the first items she took pictures of were some of our dolls.  The pictures are somewhat blurry but she tried her best.  Again, she is still learning, but she wanted to share the pictures she has taken.  Hopefully, with more practice, she will have additional photos to share!
My daughter, Abbi, with her AG doll Kit.
Kit under the Christmas Tree.
"Amelia" Abbi's MyAG she received from Santa.
"Jordan" Lianna's MyAG she received from Santa. 
Abbi's Nicki (GOTY) in the old room set-up.
Lianna's Kanani and Abbi's Amelia having tea.
These two dolls are the girls Aunt Molly's dolls (Molly is nine like Abbi.)  The dolls are Kirsten and "Anastasia" who is a "My Friends" doll---I think that is that name.
Again, Aunt Molly's dolls: Molly and Kirsten.
The AG Mini dolls relaxing in the living room of the dollhouse, Samantha, Julie, and Kit.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Pictures of the Bathroom and new Bedroom of the Dollhouse

New Bedroom and Bathroom:
I would not say that these rooms are entirely complete yet, but I still have three more bedrooms to finish and the rop of the hose to make.  For now this is what the bathroom and the new bedroom on the bottom (floor level) of our "split level" dollhouse look like.  The rooms in the houses are always a "work in progress" as I make new pieces for my daughters, find Thrifty Fabulous Finds, or buy other doll related items.  Abbi and Lianna could not wait to try out the bathroom tonight, as I have been working on it since Saturday.  They were super excited for the new additions. 
The view of the new bedroom in the house from the front.  You can see the triple decker bunk bed I made (from a kitchen cart) with Isabella, Katie, and Ling all snuggled in bed.
The over-the top- of the wall view of the new bedroom.
The fuzzy sock chair that I made for the bedroom using instructions found on Karen Mom os Three's Blog.
The front view of the bathroom complete with "bubble filled" tub, chest/sitting bench, sink and upper cabinet, laundry basket (a Thrifty Fabulous Find!), towel holder, and bath mat.
The over-the-top of the wall view of the bathroom.  You can see the pass through doorway to the bedroom.
The other side of the bathroom and pass through door to the living area of the dollhouse.
Our Generation "Alex" trying out the "bubble bath."
Closer view of Alex in the tub.

Only Two More Followers Needed To Do First Giveaway!

I only need two more people to follow my blog and then I will be able to do the my first Giveaway!  See my previous post linked here: First Giveaway when I reach 10 followers! for all the detail.  Please pass on the word about my blog! 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

More Pictures of the Dollhouse "Under Construction"

The other bathroom wall fully attached to the house.  The floor is a adhesive counter topper in granite.

The bathroom with tub, sink and linen closet.  This is just the start of what furniture we will put in her since it is a big bathroom.
From this view, you can see the linen closet and sink with cabinet.

Mia and Ling Having Ice Skating Fun!

Mia skating while Ling watches.  They are wearing matching Journey Girls skating outfits.
Ling skating (with a little help.)
Mia finishing her routine with a pose (with a little help.)
Lianna and Gwen playing ice skating with the dolls.
Gwenie and Lianna smiling for the camera with Mia and Ling skating.
Mia is skating with her legs crossed.
Lianna helping Mia do a jump and Gwen trying to follow her.
Mia showing Ling how to cross her legs while ice skating.