
Our Dolls

My three daughters currently have nine American Girl dolls, three AG mini dolls, two Journey Girl dolls, one Springfield doll, one Madame Alexander doll, two Tolly Tots dolls, two Our Generation dolls, one older Battat doll, four Bitty Babies, two Bitty Twins, and a Gotz toddler doll.  They also have too many baby dolls too count!  I personally have an older Gotz 18 inch doll that looks similar to AG's Samantha.  She currently lives on a shelf because her arm needs restrung, and I do not know how to do that yet.  I also recently purchased "Rebecca" who is a Madame Alexander doll for Dollie & Me.

My dolls:                                      

Abbi's dolls:
AG Kit

Tolly Tot Isabella

AG GOTY 2008 Mia

AG GOTY 2007 Nicki

Journey Girl Meredith

Our Generation Alex

MyAG Amelia with mini Kit

Lianna's dolls:
Our Generation Alexis

Madame Alexander-Katie, Tolly tot-Paige, Journey Girl-Ling

Pleasant Company (AG) Molly

AG Ruthie

AG mini Samantha

AG GOTY 2011 Kanani

MyAG Jordan

Not Pictured: Mini Felicity, Bitty Baby, and Gotz toddler baby.
Gwenie's dolls: (She is only two so not all the dolls have "real" names yet.)
AG Molly (possibly JLY- We bought her on Ebay.) and Bitty Baby #1

Bitty Twins- "Girl and Henry" and Bitty #2

Disney Belle, Disney Rapunzel, SF "Doll" and Battat Abbi

Bitty #3 and FAO Schwartz baby
  Not Pictured: LalaLoopsy Marina and many, many other baby dolls of every type.