
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cupcake Purse for Girls

I made these purses to hold all the party favors at my daughters' joint birthday party this year.  We had a cupcake/Princess theme party for the three girls that also included a sleepover for my two older girls.  I made about 15 total of these purses.  The one shown is my daughter Abbi's purse.
This is also a cute craft that older kiddos could do (4 and up.)  You can modify the cupcake or design to fit a boy.  I made two "boy versions" of this by changing the colors and giving it a short "basket-type" handle.  Sorry, no pics of the boy versions as they took the bags with them after the party.

How to Make a CupCake Purse:

Items Needed:
-Macaroni and Cheese box
-Construction paper of multiple colors
-Beads/Stickers/ Gems
-Hot Glue
-Glue stick
-Toilet paper roll (for handle)
-Thick string (for strap)
-Hole puncher

Getting to Work:
Step 1:  Remove the top flaps from Macaroni and Cheese box.
Step 2:  Cover entire box in construction paper (except top to leave the purse opening.)
Step 3: Make CupCake pattern (or other design of your choice.)  I drew the cupcake based on a table cloth that I bought for the party.  I made two patterns for the cupcake-one was the whole cupcake pattern and two-the icing pattern.
Step 4:  Trace both patterns onto construction paper of your choice of color and cut out.
Step 5:  Draw and color the wrapper section of the cupcake onto the whole cupcake made in Step 4.
Step 6:  Glue the icing (made in Step 4) onto the top section of the whole cupcake.
Step 7:  Hot glue beads, gems, etc. onto the icing section of the cupcake as the decoration/candy on the cupcake.  Allow construction paper cupcake to dry completely before Step 8.
Step 8:  Hot Glue construction paper cupcake to the front of the covered Macaroni box.
Step 9:  Wrap toilet paper roll, used as the handle of the purse, in coordinating color construction paper and glue the paper onto the roll.
Step 10: String the strap (thick string) through the handle.  Attach both ends of the string to the box by using a hole puncher to punch a hole in both sides of the box (near the top) and then tie the strings through the holes.  You can also use hot glue to attach the ends of the string to the inside of the box, depending on preference.
Step 11:  Add personalization to the purse, i.e. your child's or your name, etc.

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