
Sunday, January 15, 2012

My First Duck Tape Clothing Items...Quite the Experience

I decided that I would try to make some doll clothes out of duck tape tonight.  Above, Rebecca is modeling the shirt and skirt that I made.  The skirt came out fine and once I had gotten the right measurements, was fairly easy to make.  The shirt on the other hand, well, let's just say it is not exactly how I had envisioned.  I originally set out to make a t-shirt and very quickly realized that I had no idea how to make the sleeves.  Also, no matter how I tried, I just could not seem to get the measurement just right on this shirt.

I plan to try to make another shirt this week.  I am going to do a little more patterning before I work with the duck tape and hopefully that will help.  For me, that is hard because I am a "think it and do it" kinda girl.  I usually do not measure anything, draw sketches, or even think ahead as I am working on projects.  I have always believed in trial and error and teaching myself things through the process of doing the project.  Anyway, Rebecca is so cute that she makes any outfit look adorable!

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