
Monday, February 13, 2012

BFC Ink Doll Review

B.F.C. Ink Doll Review

We purchased this doll at our local K-Mart.  It is the B.F.C. Ink doll Aleisha -Summer Splashin.  
Back of Box

Close up of face.

Out of box.


While this doll is very pretty, and I like that B.F.C. offers diversity in their dolls, I am not overall in love with this doll.  Although she is pose-able, her limbs move around on their own because they seem looser than the other pose-able dolls that we own (such as Hearts4Hears and Monster High.)  Also, her hair is rough and choppy.

As for her clothing, I dislike the bathing suit that she came in very much.  I would like to buy her some additional outfits however, they are very hard to find in our local stores.  I will probably just make her some clothing or try to adapt some doll clothes that we already own to fit her.

All that being said, this doll has a sweet and kind face.  I plan to use her as one of my dolls for testing out furniture and clothing (especially since I will have to make most of her clothes.)  I think that once I am able to get or make her a few additional outfits to wear, she will warm up to my heart.  My two year old already loves her so I know that she will not go without play time.

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