
Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to Make a Large Doll Table

Gwenie getting ready to set the table for the dolls: Aleisha, Molly, Pocahontas, and Veronica.

How To Make a Large Doll Table:

Items Needed:   
-inside of a large doll box (mine was from a Madame Alexander Doll box) or a piece of cardboard that is 20"long x 8 1/2" across for the top and two pieces of cardboard that are 8 1/2" across x 6" tall for the sides.
-additional pieces of cardboard cut to fit the inside of the table for support
-packaging tape
-duck tape
-hot glue gun

Getting to work:
Step 1:  (If using the inside of a doll box, skip to Step 2.)  Cut pieces of cardboard to the size of the dimensions listed above.  Attach side pieces of table to the inside of the top of the table with hot glue.  Then place packaging tape over the areas attached to the top of the box.  It is optional to cut the middle out of the side pieces to create table legs.  (One side of my table has separate legs and the other side is all one piece.)

Step 2:  Cut cardboard to fit the inside pieces of the table (tops and sides or legs.)  Hot glue them in place.  This will help to make the table sturdier for play.

Step 3:  In addition, use packaging tape to secure the cardboard to the box and pieces together.

Step 4: Cover the entire table in duck tape of your choice of color and print.

Below are some pictures of the fun Gwenie and some of her dolls had with their new table!
The girls are waiting patiently to be served.  In the picture:  AG JLY "Molly," BFC Ink Aleisha, Disney Toddler Princess Pocahontas, and Hearts4Hearts "Veronica."  (They are sitting on couches that I made.)
Gwenie is asking the girls what they would like for "dinner."
Gwenie stops to say cheese to the camera....she wants to be a model (right now anyway.)
Gwenie gets back to work and serve the girls their drinks.
Pocahontas and Veronica are enjoying their "juice."
Aleisha and Molly are having tea.

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