Thursday, March 8, 2012

DIY Doll Gymnastics Mat and Balance Beam Set

 As I was thinking about how to make a no-sew leotard for dolls, which was requested by one of my readers, I remembered that I had never posted about the DIY Gymnastics Mat and beam I made.  I searched my computer, but I could not find the pictures to go along with the steps.  However, the steps are not very complicated so I don't think that should be a problem.

DIY Doll Gymnastics Mat:

Items Needed:
-Piece of cardboard about 21 inches long and 12 inches wide
-Plastic table cloth
-Hot glue or craft glue
-Duck tape
-Packaging tape

Getting to Work:
Step 1:  Cut your cardboard piece to the measurements listed above.
Step 2:  Fold the plastic table cloth as if your were folding a towel.  This will give the mat type feel to the cardboard.  I think I folded mine into a 4 layer pile because my table cloth was pretty thin.  If you use a thicker plastic table cloth, you may not need to fold it into as many layers.
Step 3:  Place the folded table cloth onto your cardboard piece and cut the table cloth layers so that there is only a small overlap(about 1-2 inches of the material) to wrap around the underneath of the cardboard.
Step 4:  Hot glue (or use craft glue) the table cloth layers onto the top of the cardboard.  You will need to put a little glue in between the layers to keep them all together.
Step 5:  Use the duck tape to cover the edges of the plastic tablecloth and then cover the entire back of the piece of cardboard with the duck tape. 
Step 6:  Cover the entire mat with packaging tape.  This will help to keep the tablecloth from ripping from use and also make the entire mat sturdier for play.

For the Balance Beam to go with the Mat, I followed the directions from Karen@Doll Diaries.  Click HERE to see the post on how to make a doll balance beam.  I choose to use the pink duck tape to coordinate with the Gymnastics mat for this set but I have also made the beam in other colors as well.

This particular set was supposed to be a birthday gift for my sister, Molly.  Her birthday is not until May, and as she is one of my avid readers, I think I will give it to her early when I see her this weekend.  She loves Gymnastics and is a cheerleader, so I am sure this set will be perfect for her and her dolls. 

As for the no-sew leotard, I have a feel ideas.  I will probably be trying them out this weekend so stay tuned for pictures and a tutorial about it...if it all works out. : )


  1. cute can u do a how to make a bar for an ag doll with no wood or nails or a drill please maybe things i would have at home and easy for me and my mom to do

    1. I do have an idea for a bar set. I will be (hopefully) trying it out this weekend.

  2. did u make the no sew doll leotard yet? if so please give me the link cause its hardfor me to find all the new crafts u made i kind of wish your site was set up like dolldaires but u make great crafts


      I like Doll Diaries as well.

  3. A great idea for the uneven bars is 1"PVC pipe-only glue required...

  4. I don't go on this site much, so would you email me at I know how to make a no-sew gymnastics leotard for 18 inch dolls :) I'll send you the tutorial.. It's really easy :)
    I know its considered a swimsuit, but I think it looks like a leotard if you decorate it :)

  5. Thanks for sharing the good stuff on gymnastics mat
