
Thursday, March 1, 2012

St. Patrick's Day "Cake Pops" to Make for Your Dolls

Cake pops are a favorite treat in my house so I have naturally been wanting to let the dolls in on the love of cake pops.  I have been thinking about this craft for a while because I had a bunch of sparkly green Styrofoam balls in my craft bin for months.  I knew they would be a perfect addition to the dolly treats for our St. Patrick's Day party.  The "St. Patrick's Day Cake Pops" are a simple craft that can be completed in about ten minutes.

Items Needed:  
-Small Green Styrofoam balls (mine are sparkly too)
-Skewers (or cake pop/cookie/lollipop sticks)
-Tacky or craft glue
-Electrical or duck tape or both)
-a small elastic rubber band to wrap around your dolls hand and the cake pop so that it can be held

Getting to Work:
Step 1:  If working with skewers, cut them so that they are about the length of a lollipop stick,  I was able to get two sticks out of each skewer (with a little piece left over.)  If using pre-cut sticks, skip to Step 2.
Step 2:  Stick the Styrofoam ball or balls onto the end on the stick. (I put two balls on each stick because I thought it looked at little more whimsical.)  Take the ball(s) off of the stick and squeeze the tacky glue into the hole where the stick goes. 
Step 3:  Replace the stick into the hole and hold the ball(s) in place to set/dry. 
Step 4:  When the ball(s) on the end of the stick are dry enough (use your judgement,) wrap the stick in electrical tape or duck tape.  I chose to use black and green.
Step 5:  Repeat steps 1-4 to make as many "Cake Pops" as needed for your dolls.

I also made a quick holder for the "St. Patrick's Day Cake Pops"  I just wrapped a toilet paper roll in green duck tape.

This is Rebecca enjoying her "cake pop."  She just had to try one before the party.  To have Rebecca hold the "cake pop,"  I wrapped a small elastic hair band around her hand and the "cake pop."

 I will be following up this post with a couple of other St. Patrick's Day dolly crafts soon.  Please feel free to leave me a comment, share my link, or send me an email

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