
Monday, March 19, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

First, thank you to Karen@ for nominating my blog!

So when you win you are supposed to follow these rules:

1. In a post on your blog, nominate 4 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.

2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.

3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you with a link back to their blog.

4. In the same post, include 7 random pieces of information about you.

5. In the same post, include this set of rules.

6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination with a comment on their blog.

#1 Blog Nominations:
1.  KarenMomOfThree's Maplelea Blog: 

2.  Lissy @ I'll Never Grow Up: 

3.  AGTLCrepair @ We Repair AG + Other Dolls: 

4.   Alyssa @ All Doll:

#3:  See Top of Blog!

#4: Seven Random Pieces of Information About Me

1.  I got my first American Girl doll at the age of 29.  Although I have always loved dolls, I did not have my own American Girl doll until this past Saturday (March 17, 2012) when I bought Emily for myself on our trip to AG Place Washington, D.C.

2.  I did competitive color guard throughout high school and for two years in college at West Chester University.  This is a picture from Indoor Guard my junior year of high school.

3.  I played the bass drum in high school.  This picture is from my senior year of marching band.

4.  I have a Bachelor's of Science in Education from West Chester University.  I have taught Toddlers, Preschool 3's, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Summer Camp.  This is a picture of one of my former Kindergarten classrooms---my oldest daughter is the little girl in the purple shirt. 

5.  My favorite singer of all time is Mariah Carey!  I especially love her older music which is why I chose the picture of an older album cover.

6.  I LOVE Starbucks!!!!!  Such a guilty pleasure of mine!

7.  I have been married to my husband for almost 10 years.  I was 20 when I got married.  We now have three daughters:  Abbi-9, Lianna -6 and Gwenie-2.  
The cake in the picture was made by my Grandma Barb.  She was an amazing cake baker and decorator.  No one's cake will ever compare to her's for me.  I am sure you are baking cakes for the angels.  Love you, Mammaw!

Hope you enjoy reading and please feel free to leave me a comment!--Miss Kristi

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